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Weight Room

The weight room will have the capacity to support team members as well as other students and community members interested in weight training.


Athletic performance is not limited to the playing field, court, and mats. Proper preparation and conditioning are critical to the success of any athlete and team. The current weight room is inadequate for our athletic programs:

  • many programs cannot work out as an entire team
  • sports like football and lacrosse must split their squads to complete a workout
  • two or more teams are unable to workout at the same time
  • the current equipment does not allow for efficient circuit training
  • the existing facility is not available to the entire student body


A new weight room coupled with a cardio room/fitness center will impact students and not just the athletic programs:

  • physical education classes can teach students how to exercise and use the equipment
  • entire teams can work out together
  • more teams and athletic programs will have access to the equipment
  • our athletes will be better conditioned